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    Timeline Event Double Click


    Is it possible to add support for Timeline.addEventDoubleClickHandler() ?
    Or maybe there's a way to get to CalendarEvent in Timeline.addDoubleClickHandler()?
    Basically, we need to be able to process double click on a Calendar Event somehow...

    We're on a couple of weeks old version of 6.1

    Thank you!


    Unfortunately not - by default, a single click opens the event editor - there is also an internal attribute, canSelectEvents, which was never publicly exposed, but was intended to allow selection/keyboard-navigation - when that's true, a single click would select the eventCanvas and a double-click would open the event editor.

    What is it you're trying to do on double-click?


      We are asked to support a single click selection (which we do by using eventclickhandler to change to selected event style) and to bring up our editor on double-click. We have a workaround when if clicked event is already selected we can consider it a request to edit.
      I was just trying to see if there's a cleaner way of doing it.


        It sounds as though canSelectEvents would do what you need to do - that is, setting it would cause a single-click on an event to select it (including showing it in a selected style) and a double-click would show the editor.

        canSelectEvents is an incomplete feature, added long ago and never made public, so we'd need to make sure it works properly before considering whether it should be documented - we'll do that in the coming days, but you can try it out if you wish, with Calendar.setAttribute("canSelectEvents", true).

        For the upcoming 12.0 release, we may well add SGWT customizers for the eventClick() and eventDoubleClick() methods, but these are unlikely to be ported back to older versions.


          I see. That's ok - don't bother with that. We'll handle this on our side with the workaround - we're keeping our own list of selected entities etc. so we can figure this on our own.
          I was just hoping for a cleaner approach with EventDoubleClick, but if it's not there it's not there.


