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    ComboxBoxItem with pickListProperties: {progressiveLoading: true} issues too many requests on pickList open

    Hi Isomorphic,

    explaining progressiveLoading and dataFetchMode I noticed that there is something not working as expected.
    In my application (latest 6.1p) a SelectItem with progressiveLoading does skip the COUNT(*)-statement (which is good), but requests all rows of the DS, which is not expected.

    I tried to reproduce in the SmartClient showcase and there is also an issue, but a different one. Please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-02-21) and the requests issues on pickList open:
        width: 500,
        numCols: 4,
        isGroup: true,
        groupTitle: "List - ComboBox",
        wrapItemTitles: false,
        fields : [{
            name: "bugStatus", title: "Bug Status", 
            editorType: "ComboBoxItem",
            valueMap : {
                "new" : "New",
                "active" : "Active",
                "revisit" : "Revisit",
                "fixed" : "Fixed",
                "delivered" : "Delivered",
                "resolved" : "Resolved",
                "reopened" : "Reopened"
            name: "itemName", title: "Item Name", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", 
            optionDataSource: "supplyItem", pickListWidth: 250, [B]pickListProperties: {progressiveLoading: true}[/B]
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Too many requests on pickList open.gif
Views:	78
Size:	69.7 KB
ID:	251914

    This is minor for me.

    Best regards

    The ComboBoxItem uses progressiveLoading by default. Explicitly setting the property on the pickListMenu is causing the full dataset to be loaded a page at a time.

    So why are you trying to enable a default setting?


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I have FetchMode.LOCAL set on some ComboBoxItem where I know they will have only a few entries and wanted to explain the difference to progressiveLoading. So it was more of a test.

      Best regards

