Need some help on incremental load of a VLayout
VLayout content;//main layout which holds all child VLayout
i am running a loop to add 30+ child VLayout to the parent layout
for(int i =0; i< area.size(); i++){
content.addMember(area[i]); //area will have all the child layouts
while loading the parent layout it takes time to load as it tries to load all child VLayouts at once
Is there any way i can load it incrementally like one by one so that it will not wait un-till all the child layouts are ready to display. or any other technique to accomplish the same.
please let me know if you need more information
please help
Thanks in Advance!!
Need some help on incremental load of a VLayout
VLayout content;//main layout which holds all child VLayout
i am running a loop to add 30+ child VLayout to the parent layout
for(int i =0; i< area.size(); i++){
content.addMember(area[i]); //area will have all the child layouts
while loading the parent layout it takes time to load as it tries to load all child VLayouts at once
Is there any way i can load it incrementally like one by one so that it will not wait un-till all the child layouts are ready to display. or any other technique to accomplish the same.
please let me know if you need more information
please help
Thanks in Advance!!