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    ListGrid grouping with "Large Value Map" pattern puts a key in the group title

    We have some grids with columns that use the "Large Value Map" pattern. When an end user chooses to group by one of those columns, the group title takes it's value from the valueField and not the displayField.

    We are using a 3.1p build from 11/23, but you can see this happening on the showcase when you group by Item Name.
    Last edited by bbruyn; 7 Dec 2012, 08:08.

    We see the behavior and have a developer looking into it.
    We'll let you know when we have more information.

    You could always workaround this by applying a custom getGroupValue and/or getGroupTitle to the field in question.


      This has now been resolved in the 3.1p and 4.0d branches.
      Please try the latest nightly build (Dec 14 or greater) and let us know if you continue to see the behavior

      Isomorphic Software

