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    Highlighting checkbox fields in listgrid

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Name:	highlight.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	2.9 KB
ID:	252113
    I use smartGWT 5.0 and I want to know if the below behavior is possible.

    Listgrid text fields change their color when you edit them on a grid. Is there any way this thing can be done for checkbox fields too? For example if you change a checkbox (check / uncheck it) i want to highlight that it has been changed such that the user can easily see what changes he has made.
    Example: If I change the content of 3rd field to 478 I see the field with blue color, but for checkbox I don't have any possibility to know if value was changed or not.

    Thank you,

    You can easily check whether a field is modified via cellHasChanges(). You can then modify the styling in whatever way you like, perhaps a faint shift in background color.

    Note that for DynamicForms where showPending is true, for a checkbox, we indicate a change by making the checkbox title blue. This is just to let you know that we don't have different images for checkboxes that might show changes by changing the color of the checkbox itself.

