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    Java Dependencies Question

    I am using v11.1p_2018-02-21/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2018-02-21) and have a question regarding the java dependencies.

    The SmartGWT download included commons-lang-2.6.jar and commons-pool-1.6.jar. My company already uses commons-lang3-3.4.jar and commons-pool2-2.5.0.jar. We'd like to be able to standardize on the later versions or remove these older versions if we don't need them for our usage. I was able to build and run my SmartGWT application without these jars and did not experience any problems but I am concerned that removing them could be problematic as I'm not sure when they are required.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.

    Hi khoward,

    did you already see the JavaModuleDependencies-docs?
    Regarding your two jars: Those use a different package declaration, so it should be safe to have both in your libs directory, if some of the other jars you use depend on those. See here and here.

    Best regards


      Thanks Blama - you're right on the money. khoward - you should keep both in your deployment. We do want to move to the newer versions as well, but as a framework provider, we strive to strike the right balance between requiring a higher rev of the JDK and getting compelling new features from a new version of the library.

      I know it can feel bulky to have more than one version of the library, but that's the reality of classloaders...


        Hi there,

        on this topic. I know about the java dependencies page, but what i miss in there is what version each version of smartgwt depends on.

        Case in point:

        I upgraded smartgwt a while back, and i just noticed that when i do excel exports, i get smartgwt error outputs:

        2018-04-27 10:32:33.420 ERROR com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall - com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall top-level exception
        java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook.dispose()Z
        The export still works despite the above error in the logs, so that is why i didn't notice it until now.
        I suspect it is because i'm building with maven, and using a too old version of POI. (using Apache-POI 3.8).

        However, if i then upgrade to the latest apache-POI, 3.17, the Excel stops working and i get another error message:
        It would have been great to see somewhere which version that is supposed to work ok with the version of SmartGWT that i am using (Pro 6.0-p20171202). I have been unable to find it. (There seems to be nothing in the pom files in my smartgwt maven repo)

        Pointers appreciated.


          Try the poi version 3.14, this works for us with this SmartGWT version you use.

