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    Custom listGrid grouping

    What is the best way to apply custom groupingModes to all fields having a built-in type? I guess I was hoping to be able to do this with something like DateItem.setDefaultProperties, but it doesn't look like would work. Would it?

    More to the point, what I really need at the moment are:

    An implementation of this, which I _think_ you'd handle with a grouping mode...

    And FiscalYearCalendar equivalents of the existing date groupingModes. So that e.g., grouping "by date, by year" groups by fiscal year and not calendar year.

    You should be able to customize this at the listGridField level via setGroupingModes() and related APIs.

    We don't currently support a customizable type-based approach, but you could have application logic detect data type and modify the fields in a grid based on the data type being applied.

    Alternatively, we could modify the framework to add a way to add grouping modes to existing core types - this would be eligible for feature sponsorship. Let us know if you'd be interested in getting a quote for how much work would be involved in this

    Isomorphic Software

