1. There is a following explanation to the put(String key, Object value) method of the Offline class in smartgwt API:
"Note that limitations in the underlying storage engines mean that only primitive values - Strings, numbers and booleans - can be stored. If you wish to store an Array or Object, you will have to serialize it to JSON first, and then eval it after retrieval to turn it back into an object."
Should one understand it so, the value can be String, number, boolean or JSONObject? Or it meant one should convert his object into JSON String?
2. How can one create an offline.manifest for the smartgwt-project? There are instructions on this page http://blog.isomorphic.com/offline-capability-in-smartclient-smart-gwt/. But the link http://blogs.sitepoint.com/2010/02/12/offline-web-application-tutorial/ with an explanation to the manifest is dead.
Thank you in advance,
1. There is a following explanation to the put(String key, Object value) method of the Offline class in smartgwt API:
"Note that limitations in the underlying storage engines mean that only primitive values - Strings, numbers and booleans - can be stored. If you wish to store an Array or Object, you will have to serialize it to JSON first, and then eval it after retrieval to turn it back into an object."
Should one understand it so, the value can be String, number, boolean or JSONObject? Or it meant one should convert his object into JSON String?
2. How can one create an offline.manifest for the smartgwt-project? There are instructions on this page http://blog.isomorphic.com/offline-capability-in-smartclient-smart-gwt/. But the link http://blogs.sitepoint.com/2010/02/12/offline-web-application-tutorial/ with an explanation to the manifest is dead.
Thank you in advance,