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    11.1p: allowFilterExpressions bug with empty string for a number field

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this sample and add these lines (v11.1p_2018-05-03):
        showFilterEditor: true,
        allowFilterExpressions: true
    Then try filtering the Unit Cost-field for
    • >=
    • 1 (uses >=)
    • (empty) (uses >=)
    • 1 (uses >=)
    The 1st filtering for "1" does not show any data, which is wrong.
    This does not happen for text fields like description.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1st filtering.gif
Views:	46
Size:	67.0 KB
ID:	253090

    Similar issue:
    Restart sample, then try filtering the Unit Cost-field for
    • >=
    • (empty) (uses >=)
    Here on the 1st filter no data is shown, on the 2nd filter all data is shown. I don't think this is the same issue, but a related one.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2nd filtering.gif
Views:	35
Size:	56.9 KB
ID:	253091

    This is minor for me.

    Best regards

    Ok, we see the bug and we'll take a look - although it's not clear why you would enter ">=", which is not a proper expression, rather than just entering ">=1", which doesn't exhibit this behavior. Indeed, our fix may be to just ignore partial expressions like that (there is already logic to do this in some cases)


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I noticed when I missed the "1" on the keypad and hit enter anyway. That's why I wrote that it is minor for me.

      Best regards

