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    SmartGWT / ASP.NET integration - how to do simple calls

    Hi all,

    I’m trying to find ways to integrate SmartGWT as a GUI client for .NET server-side / back-end.
    I have read all kinds of articles and docs about DataService / RestDataService / etc, and all topics revolve around the data-service interfaces / architecture.

    However I’m interested in something simpler – I would like to just call operations on the server, not data related, just simple calls like passing some args and getting back some values.
    What are the best / recommended approaches to do that in SmartGWT (and SmartClient btw) ?

    (I mean just for current / latest versions of SmartGWT / GWT / SmartClient)

    Best regards,

    Hi piotrgal,

    did you read the Quick Start Guide PDF already? This might be the best start for you.

    Best regards


      Hi Blama,

      Of course I have read the quick start PDF and could not find answer to my question there - it was also all about data-service stuff.
      Can you point me which chapter do you mean?



        Most of the time, even simple calls should be represented as DataSource operations. You will definitely want to implement the infrastructure for DataSource operations, probably using the approach shown here:

        Once this is in place, the simplest thing for even a non-data-related call is to just represent it as a fetch. This also allows it to be queued with other requests, and to be easily called by components such as a DynamicForm.

        For the more unusual case of integrating with a pre-existing server call that you can’’t change, see RPCManager.sendRequest() and RPCRequest.useSimpleHttp.
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 5 Jun 2018, 14:52.

