Hi Isomorphic,
I'm developing the mobile-version of our web-application. We want to give our customers an mobile application, that has a good look and fell in the mobile-sense.
SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2018-05-30/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2018-05-30)
Browser: Cordova WebView for Android and iOS
So I made a custom menu like the following:
And here is the code for these items:
Could there be any problem with this approach, regarding the used CSS?
Kind Regards
I'm developing the mobile-version of our web-application. We want to give our customers an mobile application, that has a good look and fell in the mobile-sense.
SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2018-05-30/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2018-05-30)
Browser: Cordova WebView for Android and iOS
So I made a custom menu like the following:
And here is the code for these items:
public class MainMenuButtonVLayout extends VLayout { MainAreaMobile parent; Label listName; Label listCount; Label button; Label overdueLabel; Label totalLabel; HLayout upperBar; HLayout lowerBar; public MainMenuButtonVLayout(MainAreaMobile parent) { this.parent = parent; } public VLayout getMainMenuButtonVLayout(Boolean myLeads, String title, String overdue, String count, String iconURL) { setAutoWidth(); setAutoHeight(); setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); button = new MenuLabel(iconURL); button.setMargin(10); button.setBaseStyle("customMainMenu"); button.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { } }); listName = new Label(title); listName.setWidth("50%"); listName.setStyleName("customMainMenuCaption"); listName.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); upperBar = new HLayout(); upperBar.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); upperBar.setPadding(5); upperBar.setAutoHeight(); lowerBar = new HLayout(); lowerBar.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); lowerBar.setMembers(listName); lowerBar.setHeight(10); lowerBar.setAlign(VerticalAlignment.TOP); totalLabel = new totalLabel(count); if (myLeads == true) { totalLabel.setBaseStyle("customMainMenuTotalWithNotification"); Label notification = new NotificationLabel(overdue); notification.setBaseStyle("customMainMenuNotification"); button.addChild(notification); button.addChild(totalLabel); } else { totalLabel.setBaseStyle("customMainMenuTotal"); button.addChild(totalLabel); } upperBar.setMembers(button); this.setMembers(upperBar, lowerBar); return this; } private class MenuLabel extends Label { public MenuLabel(String url) { setIconSize(60); setIcon(url); setHeight(120); setWidth(120); } } private class NotificationLabel extends Label { public NotificationLabel(String overdue) { setContents(overdue); setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); setHeight(26); setWidth(26); } } private class totalLabel extends Label { public totalLabel(String count) { setContents(count); setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); setHeight(26); setWidth(26); } } }
.customMainMenu { border-radius:15%; background-color: #d1d3d4; border-right: 1px solid black ; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black ; border-top: 1px solid black ; } .customMainMenuNotification { border-radius: 13px 13px 13px 0px; background-color: red; position: relative; left: 80px; bottom: 5px; color: white; } .customMainMenuTotal { border-radius: 0px 13px 13px 13px; background-color: black; position: relative; left: 80px; top: 80px; color: white; } .customMainMenuTotalWithNotification { border-radius: 0px 13px 13px 13px; background-color: black; position: relative; left: 80px; top: 80px; color: white; } .customMainMenuCaption { font-weight: bold; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; }
Kind Regards