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    BUG REPORT: Timeline widget lane coloring issue after upgrade from v5.1 to v12

    We have a screen using the timeline widget.

    Everything was beautiful:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	v51.PNG
Views:	187
Size:	2.6 KB
ID:	253914

    But then, we upgraded to SmartGWT 12, and this happened:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	v12.PNG
Views:	201
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	253915

    There are no CSS changes in our side. Looking at the DOM seems like the height of the green element is set in v5.1 and not in v12.

    The showcase has a similar issue:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	showcase.PNG
Views:	223
Size:	15.9 KB
ID:	253912
    Attached Files

    There may not be CSS *changes*, but there are certainly CSS/widget customizations, since we don't write out green events in any skin.

    You'll need to show the source-code for that Timeline to get more assistance on that.

    We're not sure what you mean about the showcase - that looks fine. What is it, exactly, that you're pointing out?


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I do see differences as well between 12.0p SmartGWT and 12.0p SmartClient.

      • SmartGWT "Dev meeting" has two background colors
      • SmartClient "Dev meeting" has rounded corners (does not match design of other events)
      This has no priority for me, I just tested.

      Best regards



        1) The two background colors are due to differences in properties set on the timeline widget (it looks like the SGWT one is showing descriptions) - we'll address that

        2) The "Dev Meeting" entries (all of them, in all samples) use a custom style - it's defined in the calendar.css file attached to the sample, and is intended to demonstrate customizing styles.
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 3 Jul 2018, 09:11.


          Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
          1) The two background colors are due to differences in properties set on the timeline widget (it looks like the SGWT one is showing descriptions) - we'll address that
          Are there updates on this issue? Should I download a fresh build and re-test?


            See post #2 in this thread.


              Blama - you should see your issues in the Showcase resolved as of builds dated July 27 and later.

              The problem was that sizing CSS for events was improved some time back - those changes were propagated to the "testStyle" class (used by disabled events in Calendar/Timeline samples) in SmartClient, but not in SmartGWT.

              lpolvani - most likely, you have custom CSS classes for Timeline events, and those classes need modifying to match the current sizing expectations - you can see what those are in the "calendar.css" tab here.

              Specifically, you probably need the changes for position and box-sizing in this block:

              .testStyleBody {
                -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
                -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
                box-sizing: border-box;

