Hi Isomorphic,
I've not been using TreeGrids so far, but will do so now. In contrast to the samples I have a relation-table to connect entries of a base table:
With this you could build this tree, where every number is the CHILD_LE_ID.
How would you build such a tree in SmartGWT?
Please note that in contrast to your employees.ds.xml I can have an entry twice, like "2" in the example.
Do I somehow need to create a unique column that I link with an foreignKey in .ds.xml?
I could imagine creating such a thing with Oracle CONNECT BY PRIOR.
Best regards
I've not been using TreeGrids so far, but will do so now. In contrast to the samples I have a relation-table to connect entries of a base table:
T_LE_CONNECTION NAME Datatype Nullable ID NUMBER(38,0) No --PK + sequence TENANT_ID NUMBER(38,0) No CREATED_BY NUMBER(38,0) No CREATED_AT DATE No MODIFIED_BY NUMBER(38,0) No MODIFIED_AT DATE No PARENT_LE_ID NUMBER(38,0) Yes --root has "null" value as only entry, fk to t_legalentity CHILD_LE_ID NUMBER(38,0) No --fk to t_legalentity as well
0-(root) 1- 2 3 4- 2 5
Please note that in contrast to your employees.ds.xml I can have an entry twice, like "2" in the example.
Do I somehow need to create a unique column that I link with an foreignKey in .ds.xml?
I could imagine creating such a thing with Oracle CONNECT BY PRIOR.
Best regards