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    startEditingNew( Record x) and automatic call to createRecordComponent

    SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2018-07-19/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2018-07-19)

    I have a Listgrid G. I have defined a createRecordComponent() method for the grid.
    I have G.setShowRecordComponents(true) on the gird.
    I have not setShowRecordComponentsbyCell() on the grid - it is defaulted.
    I call G.startEditingNew( Record Y) on the grid.

    But this does not invoke createRecordComponent on the new row and the record data passed in Y.

    What am I missing?

    Do I have to directly create the component and add it to the Record Y and then it will appear in the new row editor? Is there a simpler way?

    RecordComponents won't show up for new edit, unsaved edit rows. This is actually called out in the documentation here.
    Depending on your application design, you may want to consider adding a new record to the data set (and editing that) to handle this requirement instead?


      Okay thanks, understood. Bit galling as you guys wrote this code originally.


        Not sure what that means. There has never been a version of the framework where this approach would have worked.

        If you mean that you are surprised we would implement an approach that wouldn’t work if you *also* needed to edit new records inline in the same grid, it appears requirements must have changed since our implementation. Had the requirements been correct initially, we would have walked you through the choices in the documentation we linked you to just now, and implemented that.

