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    Image buttons issue in IE 11 browser on OS ( Windows 8.1 Pro )

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I am using SmartGWT Pro 12.0

    Issue exists in following combination

    Browser : IE 11 (11.0.9600.17031)
    OS : Windows 8.1 Pro

    Initial image buttons are not displaying properly. But, once mouse hover on image it is displaying properly.

    As I could see following examples in Showcase

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IE11_Window 8.1Pro_Issue.PNG Views:	1 Size:	3.4 KB ID:	254533Click image for larger version  Name:	IE11_Window 8.1Pro_MouseHover.PNG Views:	1 Size:	3.2 KB ID:	254534

    Kindly let me know how to resolve this.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by vnathank; 16 Aug 2018, 05:39.

    For now, we're not reproducing this on Windows 10 and other readily available Windows versions. Before we try to set up an environment with your specific configuration, can you confirm:

    1. this doesn't happen for you on Windows 10 (or some other version of Windows)

    2. there are no plugin installed in the IE version where you have this problem

    3. you've already updated IE11 to the highest version available for Windows 8.1

    4. whether the CSS style applied to the element is the same on the platform where you see the problem vs platforms where you don't (use IE11's built-in DOM inspection tools, just be sure not to roll over the element as obviously this is correcting the problem)


      Hi Isomorphic,

      >> 1. this doesn't happen for you on Windows 10 (or some other version of Windows)
      Yes, it is not happening in Windows 10

      >> 2. there are no plugin installed in the IE version where you have this problem
      Yes, I didn't installed any plugin for IE version

      >> 3. you've already updated IE11 to the highest version available for Windows 8.1
      Yes, I am using IE11

      >> 4. whether the CSS style applied to the element....
      Yes, I didn't apply any CSS style to the element.

      Kindly let me know, if any further details are required.
      Last edited by vnathank; 20 Aug 2018, 04:58.


        4. was not answered, please revisit

        5. do you have more than one machine showing this strange problem?

        6. are you testing only on a VM or on a physical machine


          3. also was not answered correctly, please revisit


            Hi Isomorphic,

            Sorry for uncompleted information.

            >> 3. you've already updated IE11 to the highest version available for Windows 8.1
            We have enabled "Install new versions automatically" option in IE11. Hence it is currently running with latest version.

            >> 4. whether the CSS style applied to the element....
            We are not using different program between problem seen platform & problem don't see platform. Application is same.

            >> 5. do you have more than one machine showing this strange problem?
            Yes, more than one machine showing this issue.

            >>6. are you testing only on a VM or on a physical machine
            Not using VM. We are using physical machine.

            Kindly let me know, if any further details are required.

            Thank you.
            Last edited by vnathank; 20 Aug 2018, 23:35.


              We were not able to reproduce the issue in our Win 8.1 Pro environement. However, in our case, we tested in IE 11 (11.0.9600.19101), so please try updating your browser and try again.

              Isomorphic Software


                Hi Isomorphic,

                Sorry for late reply. We are using IE 11(11.0.9600.19104) still issue reproducing.Please refer attached screen shot.

                Kindly let me know, if any further details are required.

                Thank you.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	IE11Latest_Window 8.1Pro_MouseHover.PNG
Views:	66
Size:	50.8 KB
ID:	254936


                  We have no further actions we can take at this time - we've replicated the exact environment where you claim to have this issue, and there's no problem.

                  We are testing in a completely clean, fresh install, so most likely, you have something installed that is changing the behavior of IE. Sometimes this is very subtle; it may be something like a development tool you install on all corporate machines, which is not even directly related to the browser, but nevertheless affects how IE does its rendering. That would be the next cause for you to investigate.

                  You also never answered our question #4. Again the instructions were very specific, it is not sufficient to make vague statements about the environment being the same.

