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    arrow buttons ot working on listgrid with expansion component

    Hi Team,

    We recently uprgraded smartGWT version to 6.1-p20180801.
    The arrow buttons(left,right, top, bottom) are not working on the listgrid for which the expansion is set to true.
    It is working for grids that do not have a expansion component.
    Initially we were using smartGWT version 6.1-p20170724 and it was working for grids with expansion component as well.


    This happens when i press enter on any cell and then press navigation key. With older version, it worked. Please help.


      When you say they are "not working", what were they doing before? Are you talking about inline editing, your own custom event handlers, or something else?

      Please try to be more specific when posting. Being vague wastes a great deal of time and slows down resolution.


        By not working i mean that on pressing the arrow key the focus of the cell is not shifting. This happens when i go into edit mode and press enter and come out of edit mode without editing anything. Basically the focus is lost on that cell when i press enter.
        Last edited by swatiagarwal; 20 Aug 2018, 22:40.


          Basically the cells appears blue but the focus is lost on that cell. Hence the arrow keys do not work


            We have set the property setWaitForSave as true. On removing this works fine.
            However, with the property set it is working with previous version


              Sorry, these claims are quite bizarre and simply setting the properties indicated doesn't show any issues with row navigation. We suspect that whatever is actually going on is an issue in other code and settings you haven't talked about, so we will need a test case that reproduces the problem in order to look further.

