Sorry that I posted this in wrong forum, please ignore: The code below shows a sectionStack Section with 2 VLayouts one of which has its visibility set to "hidden" but it still shows. This can also be reproduced with in the smartclient samples page. Could this be considered a bug?
SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-21/LGPL Deployment (built 2012-11-21)
Safari 5.0.6
Firefox 16.02
Opera 12.10
isc.SectionStack.create({ visibilityMode: "multiple", height: "100%", width: "50%", sections: [ {title: "Section 1", expanded: true, items: [ isc.Label.create({contents:"Introduction", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Variable Data Rules", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Technical Specifications", height: 20}) ]}, {title: "Section 2", ID: "IDPackagingItemsHeader", expanded: true, items: [ isc.VLayout.create({ backgroundColor: "green", members:[ isc.Label.create({contents:"Barcode Stickers", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Printed Fabric Labels", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Tickets", height: 20}) ] }), isc.VLayout.create({ visibility: "hidden", backgroundColor: "yellow", members:[ isc.Label.create({contents:"Kids", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Ladieswear", height: 20}), isc.Label.create({contents:"Menswear", height: 20}) ] }) ]} ] })
SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-21/LGPL Deployment (built 2012-11-21)
Safari 5.0.6
Firefox 16.02
Opera 12.10