I'm trying to add a whereCluase to my Hibernate DataSource file and I'm not seeing any difference in the generated query. Here's my ds.xml:
I've tried escaping the XML with CDATA as above and like this:
but no difference. I've also attached the console log.
I'm using version:Isomorphic SmartClient/SmartGWT Framework (v11.1p_2018-08-01/PowerEdition Deployment 2018-08-01)
Is there something I'm doing wrong to get this clause to work properly?
<DataSource ID="CodeType" serverType="hibernate" beanClassName="com.assaabloy.protech.domain.CodeType" autoDeriveSchema="false" dropExtraFields="true"> <fields> <field name="codeTypeId" type="integer" primaryKey="true" hidden="false"/> <field name="description" type="text"/> <field name="allowEdits" type="boolean"/> </fields> <operationBinding operationType="fetch"> <whereClause><![CDATA[ codeType.codeTypeId < 20 AND ($defaultWhereClause) ]]></whereClause> </operationBinding> </DataSource>
<whereClause>codeType.codeTypeId < 20 AND ($defaultWhereClause)</whereClause>
I'm using version:Isomorphic SmartClient/SmartGWT Framework (v11.1p_2018-08-01/PowerEdition Deployment 2018-08-01)
Is there something I'm doing wrong to get this clause to work properly?