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    Severe resize bug in showcase, making scrollbars appear and disappear and appear again

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this sample (v11.1p_2018-09-12, Win 10, FullHD with GC69 and IE Edge. Not happening in FF26 and IE11) and this video. It is this way just after load. Scrollbars appear and disappear forever.
    Also in FF26, IE11 I can never make the sample part have no horizontal scrollbar.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Scrollbar Flicker.gif
Views:	210
Size:	315.2 KB
ID:	255006

    Best regards

    This is the Developer Console log for a reload of the browser window with "layout" set to "info" beforehand:
    *18:55:22.347:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:adding newMembers: [HLayout ID:featureExplorer_topPane]
    *18:55:22.347:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:adding newMembers: [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftPane]
    *18:55:22.350:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftPane:adding newMembers: [GridSearch ID:featureExplorer_gridSearch]
    *18:55:22.351:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:adding newMembers: [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane]
    *18:55:22.353:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:adding newMembers: [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_titlePageHeader]
    *18:55:22.355:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:adding newMembers: [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_folderList]
    *18:55:22.356:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:adding newMembers: [Img ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_screenshot]
    *18:55:22.356:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:adding newMembers: [LayoutSpacer ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_cSpacer]
    *18:55:22.357:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:adding newMembers: [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_copyrightFooter]
    *18:55:22.358:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage:adding newMembers: [TitlePagePane ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane]
    *18:55:22.361:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftPane:adding newMembers: [TreeGrid ID:featureExplorer_exampleTree]
    *18:55:22.363:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftPane:adding newMembers: [ToolStrip ID:featureExplorer_toolStripSCVersion]
    *18:55:22.369:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip:adding newMembers: [NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_leftButton_isc_OID_1],[LayoutSpacer ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_titleLabelSpacer],[NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_rightButton] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.370:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout:adding newMembers: [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftPane] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.371:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip:adding newMembers: [NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_leftButton_isc_OID_1],[Label ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listTitleLabel],[NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_rightButton] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.371:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout:adding newMembers: [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.372:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane:adding newMembers: [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout],[VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout] at position: 0
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    *18:55:22.373:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:adding newMembers: [HStack ID:featureExplorer_bottomPane]
    *18:55:22.374:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_topPane:adding newMembers: [VStack ID:featureExplorer_rightPane]
    *18:55:22.375:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:adding newMembers: [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonBoxR]
    *18:55:22.376:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonBoxR:adding newMembers: [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonR]
    *18:55:22.376:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:adding newMembers: [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonBoxR]
    *18:55:22.376:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonBoxR:adding newMembers: [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonR]
    *18:55:22.377:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:adding newMembers: [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonBoxR]
    *18:55:22.377:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonBoxR:adding newMembers: [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonR]
    *18:55:22.378:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:adding newMembers: [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_pricingButtonBoxR]
    *18:55:22.378:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_pricingButtonBoxR:adding newMembers: [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_pricingButtonR]
    *18:55:22.378:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:adding newMembers: [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonBoxR]
    *18:55:22.378:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonBoxR:adding newMembers: [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonR]
    *18:55:22.378:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPane:adding newMembers: [HLayout ID:featureExplorer_bottomPaneLeft]
    *18:55:22.379:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPane:adding newMembers: [HLayout ID:featureExplorer_bottomPaneRight]
    *18:55:22.379:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPaneLeft:adding newMembers: [WebBottomButton ID:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonB]
    *18:55:22.380:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPaneLeft:adding newMembers: [WebBottomButton ID:featureExplorer_pricingButtonB]
    *18:55:22.381:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPaneRight:adding newMembers: [WebBottomButton ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonPreB]
    *18:55:22.381:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_bottomPaneRight:adding newMembers: [WebBottomButton ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonB]
    *18:55:22.385:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:adding newMembers: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
    *18:55:22.385:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBar:adding newMembers:  at position: 0
    *18:55:22.386:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBar:adding newMembers: [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_0] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.390:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:adding newMembers: [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.390:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:adding newMembers: [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription] at position: 1
    *18:55:22.391:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:adding newMembers: [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1] at position: 2
    *18:55:22.413:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_toolStripSCVersion:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 320w x 34h
    drawn size: 320w x 54h
    available size: 318w (length) x 32h
       [VersionLabel ID:isc_VersionLabel_0]
          262 drawn length (resizeLength: 262) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          24 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ToolStripButton ID:isc_ToolStripButton_0]
          44 drawn length (policyLength: 44) (inherent size)
          44 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.414:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftPane:member: [ToolStrip ID:featureExplorer_toolStripSCVersion] overflowed.  set length: 34 got length: 54
    *18:55:22.417:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleTree:adding newMembers: [TreeGridBody ID:featureExplorer_exampleTree_body] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.487:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleTree:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 320w x 835h
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    available size: 318w x 834h (length)
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    *18:55:22.490:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftPane:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
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    drawn size: 320w x 938h
    available size: 320w x 938h (length)
       [GridSearch ID:featureExplorer_gridSearch]
          49 drawn length (policyLength: 49) (inherent size)
          320 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [TreeGrid ID:featureExplorer_exampleTree]
          835 drawn length (resizeLength: 835) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          320 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ToolStrip ID:featureExplorer_toolStripSCVersion]
          54 drawn length (resizeLength: 34) (policyLength: 54) (length overflowed)
          320 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.492:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 320w x 938h
    drawn size: 320w x 938h
    available size: 320w x 938h (length)
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          320 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.512:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1586w x 938h
    drawn size: 1586w x 938h
    available size: 1586w x 938h (length)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_titlePageHeader]
          49 drawn length (policyLength: 49) (inherent size)
          1586 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_folderList]
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       [Img ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_screenshot]
          100 drawn length (policyLength: 100) (inherent size)
          1586 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [LayoutSpacer ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_cSpacer]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 725) (policyLength: *) (explicit size)
          1586 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_copyrightFooter]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:22.514:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1586w x 938h
    drawn size: 1586w x 938h
    available size: 1586w x 938h (length)
       [TitlePagePane ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
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    *18:55:22.523:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1586w x 938h
    drawn size: 1586w x 938h
    available size: 1584w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0]
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       [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription]
          92 drawn length (resizeLength: 92) (policyLength: 92) (explicit size)
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       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1]
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    *18:55:22.525:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1586w x 938h
    drawn size: 1586w x 938h
    available size: 1584w x 937h (length)
    [No members]
    *18:55:22.527:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1586w x 938h
    drawn size: 1586w x 938h
    available size: 1586w x 938h (length)
       [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1586 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.535:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1913w x 938h
    drawn size: 1913w x 938h
    available size: 1913w (length) x 938h
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout]
          320 drawn length (resizeLength: 320) (policyLength: 320) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout]
          1586 drawn length (resizeLength: 1586) (policyLength: *) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.542:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_topPane:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1920w x 938h
    drawn size: 1920w x 938h
    available size: 1920w (length) x 938h
       [SplitPane ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane]
          1913 drawn length (resizeLength: 1913) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VStack ID:featureExplorer_rightPane]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:22.543:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1920w x 938h
    drawn size: 1920w x 938h
    available size: 1920w x 938h (length)
       [HLayout ID:featureExplorer_topPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1920 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [HStack ID:featureExplorer_bottomPane]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:22.562:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1351w x 938h (length)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_titlePageHeader]
          49 drawn length (policyLength: 49) (inherent size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_folderList]
          50 drawn length (policyLength: 50) (inherent size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Img ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_screenshot]
          100 drawn length (policyLength: 100) (inherent size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [LayoutSpacer ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_cSpacer]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 725) (policyLength: *) (explicit size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane_copyrightFooter]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:22.562:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1351w x 938h (length)
       [TitlePagePane ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.564:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
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       [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription]
          92 drawn length (resizeLength: 92) (policyLength: 92) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:22.565:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
    [No members]
    *18:55:22.566:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1351w x 938h (length)
       [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.567:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1678w x 938h
    drawn size: 1678w x 938h
    available size: 1678w (length) x 938h
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout]
          320 drawn length (resizeLength: 320) (policyLength: 320) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout]
          1351 drawn length (resizeLength: 1351) (policyLength: *) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.574:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonBoxR:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 200w x 1h
    drawn size: 214w x 109h
    available size: 196w (length) x -19h
       [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonR]
          200 drawn length (policyLength: 200) (inherent size)
          74 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.579:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonBoxR:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 200w x 1h
    drawn size: 214w x 119h
    available size: 196w (length) x -19h
       [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonR]
          200 drawn length (policyLength: 200) (inherent size)
          84 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.583:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonBoxR:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 200w x 1h
    drawn size: 214w x 109h
    available size: 196w (length) x -19h
       [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonR]
          200 drawn length (policyLength: 200) (inherent size)
          74 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.588:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_pricingButtonBoxR:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 200w x 1h
    drawn size: 214w x 102h
    available size: 196w (length) x -19h
       [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_pricingButtonR]
          200 drawn length (policyLength: 200) (inherent size)
          67 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.590:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonBoxR:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 200w x 1h
    drawn size: 214w x 119h
    available size: 196w (length) x -19h
       [WebRightButton ID:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonR]
          200 drawn length (policyLength: 200) (inherent size)
          84 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.595:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_rightPane:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 235w x 938h
    drawn size: 235w x 938h
    available size: 235w x 938h (length)
       [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_smartGwtButtonBoxR]
          109 drawn length (policyLength: 109) (no length policy)
          214 drawn breadth (explicit size)
       [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_contactUsButtonBoxR]
          119 drawn length (policyLength: 119) (no length policy)
          214 drawn breadth (explicit size)
       [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_freeTrialButtonBoxR]
          109 drawn length (policyLength: 109) (no length policy)
          214 drawn breadth (explicit size)
       [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_pricingButtonBoxR]
          102 drawn length (policyLength: 102) (no length policy)
          214 drawn breadth (explicit size)
       [WebRightButtonBox ID:featureExplorer_learnMoreButtonBoxR]
          119 drawn length (policyLength: 119) (no length policy)
          214 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:22.596:MMV1[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_topPane:layoutChildren (reason: member changed visibility: [VStack ID:featureExplorer_rightPane]):
    layout specified size: 1920w x 938h
    drawn size: 1920w x 938h
    available size: 1920w (length) x 938h
       [SplitPane ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane]
          1678 drawn length (resizeLength: 1678) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VStack ID:featureExplorer_rightPane]
          235 drawn length (resizeLength: 235) (policyLength: 235) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:22.633:TMR5:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBarControlLayout:adding newMembers: [DynamicForm ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_skinSwitcher] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.635:TMR5:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBarControlLayout:adding newMembers: [DynamicForm ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_densitySwitcher] at position: 1
    *18:55:22.635:TMR5:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBarControlLayout:adding newMembers: [ImgButton ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_printButton] at position: 2
    *18:55:22.635:TMR5:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBarControlLayout:adding newMembers: [ImgButton ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_reloadButton] at position: 3
    *18:55:22.673:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterface:adding newMembers: [FiltersForm ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface_filtersForm]
    *18:55:22.673:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterface:adding newMembers: [TileGrid ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface_customTileGrid]
    *18:55:22.677:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:adding newMembers: [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_2] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.677:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:adding newMembers: [HomeInterface ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface] at position: 1
    *18:55:22.690:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout:adding newMembers: [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftPane] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.691:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip:adding newMembers: [NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_leftButton_isc_OID_1],[Label ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listTitleLabel],[NavigationButton ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_listToolStrip_rightButton] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.691:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout:adding newMembers: [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane] at position: 0
    *18:55:22.691:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane:adding newMembers: [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout],[VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout] at position: 0
    *18:55:23.296:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterface:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 888h
    drawn size: 1349w x 888h
    available size: 1349w x 888h (length)
       [FiltersForm ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface_filtersForm]
          322 drawn length (policyLength: 322) (inherent size)
          1319 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [TileGrid ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface_customTileGrid]
          524 drawn length (resizeLength: 524) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1319 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.300:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_2]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [HomeInterface ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface]
          888 drawn length (resizeLength: 888) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.302:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:layoutChildren (reason: memberResized: (0,8): featureExplorer_exampleDescription):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription]
          100 drawn length (resizeLength: 100) (policyLength: 100) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:23.303:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane:layoutChildren (reason: Reflow for change to vertical):
    layout specified size: 1678w x 938h
    drawn size: 1678w x 938h
    available size: 1678w (length) x 938h
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout]
          320 drawn length (resizeLength: 320) (policyLength: 320) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout]
          1351 drawn length (resizeLength: 1351) (policyLength: *) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.303:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_leftLayout:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded):
    layout specified size: 320w x 938h
    drawn size: 320w x 938h
    available size: 320w x 938h (length)
       [VLayout ID:featureExplorer_leftPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          320 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.303:TMR6[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane_rightLayout:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1351w x 938h (length)
       [Canvas ID:featureExplorer_centerPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.374:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 1920w x 938h
    drawn size: 1920w x 938h
    available size: 1920w x 938h (length)
       [HLayout ID:featureExplorer_topPane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          1920 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [HStack ID:featureExplorer_bottomPane]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:23.375:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_topPane:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 1920w x 938h
    drawn size: 1920w x 938h
    available size: 1920w (length) x 938h
       [SplitPane ID:featureExplorer_leftSuperPane]
          1678 drawn length (resizeLength: 1678) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [VStack ID:featureExplorer_rightPane]
          235 drawn length (resizeLength: 235) (policyLength: 235) (explicit size)
          938 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.375:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_titlePage:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1351w x 938h (length)
       [TitlePagePane ID:featureExplorer_titlePage_titlePagePane]
          938 drawn length (resizeLength: 938) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1351 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.376:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription]
          100 drawn length (resizeLength: 100) (policyLength: 100) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
    *18:55:23.377:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_homeInterfacePage:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_2]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [HomeInterface ID:featureExplorer_homeInterface]
          888 drawn length (resizeLength: 888) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.377:TMR2[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_toolStripSCVersion:layoutChildren (reason: pageResize):
    layout specified size: 320w x 34h
    drawn size: 320w x 54h
    available size: 318w (length) x 32h
       [VersionLabel ID:isc_VersionLabel_0]
          262 drawn length (resizeLength: 262) (policyLength: 100%) (explicit size)
          24 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ToolStripButton ID:isc_ToolStripButton_0]
          44 drawn length (policyLength: 44) (inherent size)
          44 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.440:XRP0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:adding newMembers: [ExampleViewer ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer] at position: 3
    *18:55:23.451:XRP0:INFO:layout:uploader:adding newMembers: [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
    *18:55:23.451:XRP0:INFO:layout:uploader:adding newMembers: [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
    *18:55:23.481:XRP0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBarControlLayout:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 385w x 36h
    drawn size: 385w x 36h
    available size: 385w (length) x 36h
       [DynamicForm ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_skinSwitcher]
          150 drawn length (policyLength: 150) (inherent size)
          36 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_densitySwitcher]
          175 drawn length (policyLength: 175) (inherent size)
          36 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ImgButton ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_printButton]
          30 drawn length (resizeLength: 30) (policyLength: 30) (explicit size)
          20 drawn breadth (explicit size)
       [ImgButton ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_reloadButton]
          30 drawn length (resizeLength: 30) (policyLength: 30) (explicit size)
          20 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.486:XRP0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBar:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 964w x 37h
    drawn size: 964w x 37h
    available size: 964w (length) x 37h
       [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_0]
          111 drawn length (policyLength: 111) (inherent size)
          34 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.490:XRP0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 64h
    drawn size: 1349w x 64h
    available size: 1347w x 62h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          42 drawn length (resizeLength: 42) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.533:XRP0:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.537:XRP0:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: initial draw):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.542:XRP0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBar:adding newMembers: [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_1],[SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_2],[SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_3] at position: 1
    *18:55:23.553:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 730
    *18:55:23.553:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 730) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.554:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 730
    *18:55:23.570:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.571:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.574:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 730
    *18:55:23.575:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 730) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.587:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 730) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.590:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_examplePage:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded):
    layout specified size: 1351w x 938h
    drawn size: 1351w x 938h
    available size: 1349w x 937h (length)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_0]
          49 drawn length (resizeLength: 49) (policyLength: 49) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [Label ID:featureExplorer_exampleDescription]
          100 drawn length (resizeLength: 100) (policyLength: 100) (explicit size)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [ExampleViewerSectionHeader ID:isc_ExampleViewerSectionHeader_1]
          undefined drawn length (policyLength: 0) (hidden)
          undefined drawn breadth (undefined)
       [ExampleViewer ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer]
          788 drawn length (resizeLength: 788) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1349 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.592:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_tabBar:layoutChildren (reason: membersAdded):
    layout specified size: 964w x 37h
    drawn size: 964w x 37h
    available size: 964w (length) x 37h
       [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_0]
          111 drawn length (policyLength: 111) (inherent size)
          34 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_1]
          225 drawn length (policyLength: 225) (inherent size)
          34 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_2]
          195 drawn length (policyLength: 195) (inherent size)
          34 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [SimpleTabButton ID:isc_SimpleTabButton_3]
          181 drawn length (policyLength: 181) (inherent size)
          34 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.596:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    *18:55:23.596:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.596:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: memberResized: (-16,-5): featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.611:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.612:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.615:XRP0[E0]:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.772:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.772:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.772:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    *18:55:23.792:TMR2:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.794:TMR2:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.797:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.797:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.832:TMR4:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.833:TMR4:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.836:TMR4:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.847:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.848:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.848:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    *18:55:23.868:TMR1:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.870:TMR1:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.872:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.873:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.906:TMR4:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.906:TMR4:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.914:TMR4:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.941:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.941:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.943:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    *18:55:23.981:TMR0:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:23.983:TMR0:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:23.988:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:23.989:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:24.016:TMR2:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:24.016:TMR2:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:24.018:TMR2:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:24.032:TMR8:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:24.032:TMR8:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:24.032:TMR8:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    *18:55:24.047:TMR8:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    *18:55:24.048:TMR8:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    *18:55:24.051:TMR8:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    *18:55:24.051:TMR8:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.082:TMR1:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    18:55:24.083:TMR1:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.086:TMR1:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.099:TMR7:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    18:55:24.099:TMR7:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.099:TMR7:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    18:55:24.117:TMR7:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    18:55:24.118:TMR7:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.122:TMR7:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    18:55:24.122:TMR7:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.176:TMR0:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    18:55:24.177:TMR0:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.180:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.197:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    18:55:24.198:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.199:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    18:55:24.214:TMR6:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    18:55:24.215:TMR6:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1311w x 20h
    drawn size: 1315w x 725h
    available size: 1311w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.218:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    18:55:24.218:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed:  -> VH):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1331w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1311 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.248:TMR0:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1307w x 400h
    drawn size: 1311w x 400h
    available size: 1307w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)
    18:55:24.249:TMR0:INFO:layout:isc_VStack_0:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1327w x 20h
    drawn size: 1331w x 725h
    available size: 1327w x 20h (length)
       [Label ID:helpText]
          249 drawn length (policyLength: 249) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [DynamicForm ID:partialCommitsForm]
          36 drawn length (policyLength: 36) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [BatchUploader ID:uploader]
          400 drawn length (policyLength: 400) (no length policy)
          1307 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.252:TMR0:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: scrolling state changed: VH -> ):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 750h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          730 drawn length (resizeLength: 730) (policyLength: *) (no length specified)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.347:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] overflowed.  set length: 714 got length: 725
    18:55:24.347:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:layoutChildren (reason: introducing scrolling: H):
    layout specified size: 1349w x 752h
    drawn size: 1349w x 752h
    available size: 1347w x 734h (length)
       [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane]
          725 drawn length (resizeLength: 714) (policyLength: 725) (length overflowed)
          1327 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
    18:55:24.348:TMR6:INFO:layout:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_paneContainer:not applying height: 714 to overflowed member: [ExampleViewPane ID:featureExplorer_exampleViewer_exampleViewPane] w/height: 725
    18:55:24.361:TMR6:INFO:layout:uploader:layoutChildren (reason: resized):
    layout specified size: 1291w x 400h
    drawn size: 1295w x 400h
    available size: 1291w x 400h (length)
       [DynamicForm ID:uploader_uploadForm]
          98 drawn length (policyLength: 98) (no length policy)
          1291 drawn breadth (breadth policy: fill)
       [IButton ID:uploader_uploadButton]
          32 drawn length (policyLength: 32) (no length policy)
          120 drawn breadth (explicit size)


      Also happening in Win 8.1 / GC68+FF26+IE11 / FullHD.


        It looks like the oscillating scrollbar issue is only reproducible in SC 11.1p, and not SC 12.0p or newer. Is that consistent with what you observed?

        The horizontal scrollbar that won't go away we see in all releases, SC 11.1p and newer, and in fact fixing it fixes the oscillating problem for us, but it does look like there's an underlying issue that should ultimately be addressed.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          I can confirm that this does not happen for me using 12.0p/12.1d and GC69 / IE Edge with Win 10, which showed the problem with 11.1p.

          I also do see the horizontal scrollbar in all versions and all browsers.

          Best regards

