As shown in the attached image, the default close tab icon seems incorrectly placed.

The code is lifted off the showcase:
This is tested on Firefox 62.0.2 (64-bit) on MacOSX and SmartGWT v12.0p_2018-09-26 using the Stratus theme.
On a related note is there a way to control the height of the individual tabs? Thanks.
The code is lifted off the showcase:
final TabSet leftTabSet = new TabSet(); leftTabSet.setTabBarPosition(Side.LEFT); leftTabSet.setWidth(400); leftTabSet.setHeight(400); leftTabSet.setTabBarThickness(200); leftTabSet.setCanCloseTabs(true); Tab lTab1 = new Tab("My tab 1"); lTab1.setPane(new HLayout()); Tab lTab2 = new Tab("My tab 2"); lTab2.setPane(new HLayout()); leftTabSet.addTab(lTab1); leftTabSet.addTab(lTab2); VStack vStack = new VStack(10); vStack.addMember(leftTabSet); vStack.draw();
On a related note is there a way to control the height of the individual tabs? Thanks.