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    Multicombobox with treegrid picker

    Is this possible? I don't see any options for this like in rhe selectitem. Thanks

    Yes - just arrange a ComboBoxItem with the necessary settings and pass it in a call to MultiComboBoxItem.setComboBoxProperties(). Note that your optionDataSource and valueField should still be applied to the MCBI, but dataSetType and other pickList-related properties should be applied via setComboBoxProperties().

    We'll look at adding support for the necessary attributes directly on MCBI in the upcoming 12.1 release.
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 20 Nov 2018, 02:38.


      We've added direct support for all related settings to MultiComboBoxItem in 12.1 - so you can apply your settings to either the MCBI or it's comboBoxProperties - you can test it out as of builds of 12.1 dated November 21 and later.

      These changes won't be ported back to 12.0 and earlier.
      Last edited by Isomorphic; 20 Nov 2018, 04:32.


        Thanks for replying. So I tried what you told me but it doesn't work. Is there something wrong with this example?

        var suppliesForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({
            top: 115,
            ID: "selectedSupplyItems",
            width: "100%",
            numCols: 1,
            titleOrientation: "top",
            items: [{
                name: "supplies",
                title: "Items",
                editorType: "MultiComboBoxItem",
                comboBoxProperties: {
                    pickListWidth: 290,
                    dataSetType: "tree"
                optionDataSource: "supplyCategory",
                displayField: "categoryName",
                valueField: "categoryName",
                autoFetchData: true,
                layoutStyle: initialLayoutStyle,
                addUnknownValues: initialAddUnknownValues


          Which product and version are you using? We always need those details.

          dataSetType is only supported as of 12.0 and we see your sample working as expected, if we remove the latter two settings (which use variables you didn't provide) and make sure the dataSource it uses is available.

          For example, drop your test code into this sample, and you should see things work as you expect.


            You are correct. Seems like I am using version 11. Is there a way to make version 11 work temporarily before I update to 12? Thanks again.


              No, because dataSetType, the attribute that enables tree-pickers, didn't exist until 12.0.

