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    Missing dependency information in documentation page


    I am revising our library packaging to optimize the size of our distribution, I am using the documentation where I am missing some information.

    Not listed (purpose and dependencies):
    * isomorphic_contentexport (I assume something to do with PDF export)
    * isomorphic_jpa (I assume for persistence)

    I also find some jar's in the distribution (pro version 3.1) which are not mentioned on the page, which makes it hard to decide if I should include them:
    * groovy-all
    * javassist
    * slf4j

    * can I still drop the dom4j when not needed otherwise but when using poi (it is not explicitely mentioned but it is a dependency of poi ooxm in the poml).
    * the jsr173_1.0_api is mentioned as required when using poi but I can't find it in your binary distribution

    Thanks for clearing this up!
    Last edited by hin3x; 10 Jan 2013, 07:36.

    I took another crack at some Maven POMs that try to define dependencies in a clearer way. If you're using Maven, I'd ask you to check that out using these instructions. Otherwise:

    You might be better off with the javadoc found in your SDK, or at You'll find there:

    isomorphic_contentexport.jar: Optional support for PDF Export
    isomorphic_jpa: Contains support for JPA DataSources as described here: JpaIntegration.
    • javassist and slf4j are just dependencies of Hibernate, AFAIK. If you aren't using Hibernate, I don't think you need them.
    • dom4j is also required by Hibernate, and as you say, poi-ooxml. If you're using either of those, I would say that you need to keep it around, otherwise no.
    • groovy-all? Good question, I'd missed that in my own work. I assume it has to do with the new datasource scripting support, and you wouldn't need it if you weren't using that.
    • Can't speak to the missing jsr173 JAR, of course, but I assume it has something to do with licensing. Google will find one for you.
    Last edited by bbruyn; 10 Jan 2013, 09:17.


      All of bbryun's info is correct here, and note that in the latest patched builds, the dependency information in the docs has already been updated.


        Great! It seems I was not using the URL with 'latest' in it, didn't know about that.

        We are not using Maven but I am about to enable Ivy as a dependency mechanism though.

        Many thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated!

