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    "textItemLiteErrorOver" is not applied properly

    Hi Isomorphic,

    using v12.0p_2018-11-22/PowerEdition, it looks like style class"textItemLiteErrorOver" does not apply properly.
    When I have validator error in some TextItem, and hover over that TextItem, class is still "textItemLiteError" although IMHO it should be "textItemLiteErrorOver".
    Probably the same happens for other items.

    Is that maybe on purpose? Although it should not be.

    Best regards

    The same happens for SelectItem.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bug.png
Views:	101
Size:	51.9 KB
ID:	255947
    Attached Files


      Forms can be configured to showOver or not. You simply have it off.


        Hi Isomorphic,

        I tested this as well. The relevant but not set property here is showFocusedErrorState, which defaults to false.

        But there are some other problems with the sample (v11.1p_2018-11-24 / v12.0p_2018-11-24) design / CSS.
        1) Unchanged sample:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Validation error boldness and server side effect.gif
Views:	105
Size:	112.8 KB
ID:	255954

        As you can see, there is a problem with the boldness of "Quantity", which should not get removed once the cursor enters the erroneous cell again.
        Additionally, I'm not sure the server side validation error should be removed and readded in the video on leaving the item:
        • No change, so I don't know if server side validation is necessary (even though it has validateOnExit:true)
        • IMHO even if the validation is done after a change, it would look better, if the validation error icon stayed until the server response tell the framework that the error is gone. Is is minor though, as it is a seldom case.
        For an other unrelated issue I'll create a new thread.

        Best regards


          We've just added the couple of missing formTitleErrorFocused selectors responsible for the missing bold-text - you should see things working as expected in builds dated November 27 and later.

          We'll consider whether a validation is strictly necessary in this case, given the unpleasant flickering effect...


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I can see the formTitleErrorFocused related changes (Boldness of "Quantity" when entering the cell with an error) in the current showcase sample.

            This is very stange, as the version is still v11.1p_2018-11-24 (see in the screenshot, cache emptied). How is this possible?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Boldness.gif
Views:	108
Size:	53.8 KB
ID:	256014

            Thank you & Best regards


              It isn't - not least because we haven't ported the change to 11.1 yet :)

              The change is in 12.1 and 12.0, but hasn't hit 11.1 yet due to deeper changes needed there for the other styling issues you mentioned in other threads.
              Last edited by Isomorphic; 28 Nov 2018, 02:53.


                Ahhh, yes. The 1st video from #4 must have been 12.0p and not 11.1p - you can determine this at the "over"-blurred border.

                Sorry for the bogus report in #6 - I can see this is fixed in 12.0p and most likely did never happen in 11.1p then.

                Best regards


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                  The change is in 12.1 and 12.0, but hasn't hit 11.1 yet due to deeper changes needed there for the other styling issues you mentioned in other threads.
                  if you are talking about this one: As written in #3, there is no need to change this in 11.1p for me, as the switch to 12.0p will happen soon now.

                  Also this one is minor for me in 11.1p - or does not even happen here, as written in #8.

                  Best regards


                    Yes, sorry - we meant there are extra complexities in 11.1 to fix *this* issue, because a bunch of styles, like rollovers, are new to 12.0+ and don't exist in 11.1 - we'll update about that here, when it's apparent how much stuff would have to be added.

                    That other thread you mentioned is actually a bug, of sorts, and will shortly be fixed with a new attribute, PickList.clickMaskMode - we'll explain separately in that thread.


                      This one's fixed in 11.1/6/1 for builds dated December 3 and later.

