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    DMI Mutiple Update

    SmartGwt power 3.1p - 12/20/2012
    Gwt 2.5
    Firefox 13

    Here is a synopsis of what I have done so far.....

    I am allowing users to download an excel file, modify the excel file, and upload it back to the system to update the requested fields.

    Specifically, "Cabin" and "Station".

    Furthermore,all this information is displayed via a ListGrid, which can be several hundred lines.

    I've managed to get the update to work with the code described below in a Custom DMI routine. However, on a test scenario with 600 updates, this procedure takes a very long time to complete.

    I understand that have individual updates for each ID is necessary, but might there be a quicker way to update these fields that doesn't perform so many DSRequests.

    The more updates to perform the longer it will take to complete and it might give the user the idea that the function has either stalled ad errored in the process.

    Any ideas are more than welcomed.
    for( i = 0; i < records.size; i++)
    DSRequest  request = new DSRequest("Manifest", "update");
    HashMap vals = new HashMap();
    request.setCriteria("Id", record.getId());
    vals.put("Cabin", record.getCabin());
    vals.put("Station", record.getStation());

    Just looking to see if anyone can give me a different solution. I would really appreciate any help with this issue as time is always a factor for all of us.

    Thank you in advance.

