Hi, i have a custom row formatter in a combobox that i create like so:
My question is, is it possible to change the cellformatter of the pick list and have the combobox redraw all items in the picklist at a later time? I want the formatting in the combobox to change depending on some server value.
I tried calling setPicklistProperties again, and also redraw() on the combobox after changing the properties, but nothing worked.
Smartgwt 6.0, december 2017.
ListGrid pickListProperties = new ListGrid(); pickListProperties.setCellFormatter((value, record, rowNum, colNum) -> { String a = record.getAttribute(FIELD_A); String b = record.getAttribute(FIELD_B); return a + (b != null ? " (" + b + ")" : ""); }); myCombobox.setPickListProperties(pickListProperties);
I tried calling setPicklistProperties again, and also redraw() on the combobox after changing the properties, but nothing worked.
Smartgwt 6.0, december 2017.