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    No source code is available for type java.util.Calendar; did you forget to inherit a required module?

    Dear Ispmorphic,

    we are using smartgwt version 12.0 for client side Implementation and when we use Calendar class from "java.util" package the below issue is observed

    [java] [ERROR] Line 56: No source code is available for type java.util.Calendar; did you forget to inherit a required module?

    also we observed no issues when calendar class is used at server side , kindly let us know how can we use calendar class or any other alternatives for the issue

    Note : Since getYear(),getDate()...etc apis are deprecated in Date class we are using calendar("package : java.util") class as a alternative

    Thanks and Regards,
    your sincerely

    Hi vnathank,

    this is a GWT issue. Calendar is not one of the emulated packages.
    I do use the normal deprecated classes client side.
    Serverside this is no problem, as there is not GWT involved, just Java.

    Best regards

