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    ListGrid.getRecords() not returning updated values

    Using smartGWT 3.0 LGPL version.

    We've build a ListGrid with only 10 rows in it, populated using a client-only data source. Using canEdit(), we allow users to click inside the grid and update values. Works beautifully.

    One problem -- when the user is done, he clicks "Done." We then do a getRecords() and iterate through all the rows (only 10, so not many) to do some logic. The issue is that when we do this, the ORIGINAL values in the ListGridRecord are always returns, and never the ones the user entered in.

    Is there something that I am missing? I tried getResultSet() but it returns the same thing -- the original data that is in the ListGrid and not the data that was keyed in.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there some other method to return the current contents of a ListGrid when a user can edit the rows? Thanks in advance.

    Read the Grid Editing overview.

