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    Filter button doesn't work when criteria are same ...

    Hi Isomorphic,

    our testers found out issue related to grid filter button. We filter data in grid by any filter criteria. Records are shown. We did any changes because records are editable..But pressing filter button no filter fetch is called .. It looks like button is enabled only filter criteria is changed.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	filter_button_1.jpg
Views:	59
Size:	45.4 KB
ID:	256583

    Click image for larger version

Name:	filter_button_2.jpg
Views:	53
Size:	35.3 KB
ID:	256582

    Is there any way how to run filter/enable filter button if filter criteria aren't changed?


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    2. for developing Firefox: 26.0 and directly to server: Chrome - Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Attached Files

    Please see the docs for the API you are calling (ListGrid.fetchData() / filterData()) - this behavior is discussed in depth.

    In the future, make sure you read the docs for APIs you are calling so you can avoid reporting a well-documented behavior as an issue.


      Your behavior/answer is not in place. I think if we pay for support that we get a support. An answer that i need to read docs is not support.
      1. I was asking on filter button not how fetch/filter data works ...

      So please, answer on question: When rows are editable, after filtering we change rows values and we don't change filter criteria why filter button is disabled? State of button is changed by a change of filter criteria only?

      Shouldn't button filter data after each click on it?



        Sorry, you are quite wrong. If you would like the framework explained to you without reading docs, that's training, and it's separately offered and scheduled. For support, the requirement on you is to review the docs until you are fairly sure you are asking a question that is not addressed. Likewise, when reporting issues, you need to make an effort to determine that the problem is actually a framework problem and not just an issue in your code.

        This is because support is offered on an unlimited basis - it should be obvious that such a service cannot include reading the docs to you anytime you please.

        So again, please read the docs, which already cover your question in depth, and please make an effort not to make the same mistake again.


          Oh also, there was a second mistake in your posting: you just referred to a filter button in some application you're writing, where we don't have the code. We just guessed it might be calling fetchData() - you need to tell us so next time. Similarly, we have no idea by what means you are enabling or disabling it - that's your code, that again we can't see.

          So try to avoid this second kind of mistake in the future as well. Thanks.

