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    Color of the "selected RadioGroupItem"

    Hi Isomorphic,

    is it possible to change the color of the "selected RadioGroupItem" (black dot inside)? Version v12.0p
    Click image for larger version

Name:	RadioGroupItem.PNG
Views:	69
Size:	3.3 KB
ID:	256697

    Best regards

    it seems that there will be an option to use skinnable radio controls with the setting useNativeRadioItems:false, but it's not yet documented, so we'll have to wait for Isomorphic to know when it will be available.


      claudiobosticco thank you for your reply. Great! I hope this option will be available soon!


        We've exposed RadioGroupItem.useNativeRadioItems, in builds of 6.1/11.1 and 12.x, dated February 9 and later.

        If you set this attribute to false, you can then configure the images it shows by setting attributes, like [checked/unchecked/Unset]Image, on a CheckboxItem instance and passing it to new method RadioGroupItem.setCheckboxItemProperties(). CheckboxItems are stateful, so you'll need Disabled and Over images as well, or you can switch those behaviors off with more settings applied to your custom CheckboxItem.

