I'am using SGWT Pro 12.0 released Decembre 04, 2018.
I have a timeline with Hours (1 day) Resolution but the resolution does not work correctly if it's lane gathered into collapsible groups.
I include here an example of how it does not function.
The code is based on your examples
Thanks a lot
I'am using SGWT Pro 12.0 released Decembre 04, 2018.
I have a timeline with Hours (1 day) Resolution but the resolution does not work correctly if it's lane gathered into collapsible groups.
I include here an example of how it does not function.
The code is based on your examples
Thanks a lot
HeaderLevel[] headerLevels = new HeaderLevel[] { new HeaderLevel(TimeUnit.DAY), new HeaderLevel(TimeUnit.HOUR) }; // grouping fields must be specified as laneFields, but can be hidden as is done here ListGridField groupField = new ListGridField("devGroup"); groupField.setHidden(true); ListGridField[] laneFields = new ListGridField[]{ new ListGridField("title", "Developer", 120), groupField }; Timeline calendar = new Timeline(); calendar.setHeight(451); calendar.setStartDate(RelativeDateItem.getAbsoluteDate(RelativeDate.TODAY)); calendar.setShowEventDescriptions(false); calendar.setEventSnapGap(60); calendar.setLaneEventPadding(2); // add a little space around events // grouping settings calendar.setCanGroupLanes(true); calendar.setLaneGroupByField("devGroup"); calendar.setLaneFields(laneFields); // set up the grid calendar.setHeaderLevels(headerLevels); calendar.setResolution(headerLevels, TimeUnit.HOUR, 24, null ); calendar.setLanes(TimelineLaneData.getRecords()); calendar.setData(TimelineData.getRecords()); Timeline calendar1 = new Timeline(); calendar1.setHeight(451); calendar1.setStartDate(RelativeDateItem.getAbsoluteDate(RelativeDate.TODAY)); calendar1.setShowEventDescriptions(false); calendar1.setEventSnapGap(60); calendar1.setLaneEventPadding(2); // add a little space around events // set up the grid calendar1.setHeaderLevels(headerLevels); calendar1.setResolution(headerLevels, TimeUnit.HOUR, 24, null ); calendar1.setLaneFields(laneFields); calendar1.setLanes(TimelineLaneData.getRecords()); calendar1.setData(TimelineData.getRecords());