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    Export PDF and font-awesome

    SmartClient version v10.1p_2016-11-11/PowerEdition deployment ( built 2016-11-11)

    I'm trying to get font-awesome icons to export via the pdf export capability. font-awesome icons render great in the web app but I cant get them to export.

    I realize this is probably a iText question but given the popularity of font-awesome I figured some one ( maybe isomorphic) must have gotten this working.

    Id love to see and example or get direction on how to do this


    We haven't actually tried to figure this out - yours is the first request. There is a dsRequest.exportCSS setting which would allow you to inject the appropriate font declarations into the export process, but we don't see definitive information on whether iText will process those. If you find that it works or that it doesn't, please let us know.

    If something more is required and it's pretty trivial on our end, we'd be happy to add the necessary code if you can provide a working copy. Otherwise if you'd like us to figure it out or it will be more involved, consider Feature Sponsorship as a way of getting this done.


      Thanks - Ill play with it a bit and let you know if I get anywhere. I think iText is probably the issue and have some seen some threads addressing the use if iText and font-awesome.

