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    smartgwt calendar day lane view error

    I have included daylane view for calendar by showDayLanes = true and dayView = true, setCurrentViewName = ViewName.DAY. When events are rendered i get the following error, e.g. say there is an event for 7 may. when i select 7 may from calendar it shows error

    ISC_Core.js:2154 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of null
    at _3.isc_DaySchedule_getDateTopOffset [as getDateTopOffset] (ISC_Calendar.js:252)
    at _3.isc_CalendarView_getSnapData [as getSnapData] (ISC_Calendar.js:160)
    at _3.isc_CalendarView_tagDataForOverlap [as tagDataForOverlap] (ISC_Calendar.js:166)
    at _3.isc_CalendarView_refreshEvents [as refreshEvents] (ISC_Calendar.js:225)
    at _3.isc_CalendarView__refreshEvents [as $1739] (ISC_Calendar.js:217)
    at _3.isc_Calendar_setChosenDate [as setChosenDate] (ISC_Calendar.js:547)
    at _3.dataChanged (ISC_Calendar.js:578)
    at _3.isc_DateChooser_dateClick [as dateClick] (ISC_Forms.js:151)
    at _3.dateClick (ISC_Forms.js:101)
    at _3.isc_DateGrid_cellClick [as cellClick] (ISC_Forms.js:84)

    Any reason ? Also there is no day lane show case example in smartgwt but smartclient do provide example for day lane. Can i get example for reference
    Last edited by sidharth1917; 6 May 2019, 01:23.

    If you can show your Calendar configuration, including DataSource if there is one, then we can take a look.

