I'm trying to hook up a MySQL data source. I have it working and setting up the DB connection. I verified that the connection works using Spring and getting the db connection from JNDI. However, when I try and load a ds.xml, I get this error:
I'm not sure why it's trying to load the MySQL driver, I've been using MariaDB. Here's my server.properties:
And my ds.xml
Is there a configuration that I'm missing to tell it to use the correct driver?
java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
sql.defaultDatabase.jndi.publish.path:isomorphic/jdbc/defaultDatabase # If you want to use Mysql instead, uncomment the following line # and comment all other sql.defaultDatabase definitions sql.defaultDatabase:Mysql sql.defaultDatabase.type:mysql sql.defaultDatabase.interface.type:dataSource sql.defaultDatabase.driver:org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource sql.defaultDatabase.driver.serverName:${db.host} sql.defaultDatabase.driver.portNumber:3306 sql.defaultDatabase.driver.databaseName:${db.name} sql.defaultDatabase.driver.user:${db.user} sql.defaultDatabase.driver.password:${db.password}
<DataSource ID="Customer" serverType="sql" tableName="customer" autoDeriveSchema="true"> </DataSource>