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  • rafaeltavareswirecard
    The solution posted by Isomorphic solved the problem. Thank you.

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  • Isomorphic
    Have to seen the Internationalization overview, specifically the section that starts "You can alternatively maintain your own private additions or overrides to the default language packs."? Does this address your question?

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  • luisamaral
    In fact, we could split this question in two:
    1. If we need to customize the entire message (so it would need to be overridden somewhere in the code - where and how will it be done?)
    2. If we need just to change something that might not impact the current users (for example a 'period' sign after a phrase)

    For the #2.. it would be from "You are attempting to export an empty dataset" to "You are attempting to export an empty dataset." Is there something that isomorphic can change straight on the smartgwt-power-5.0-p20180625.jar file and update the file in mvn?

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  • Overriding i18n value for an especific key inside

    How can I override an msg value for specific key inside

    I saw that the method below (initMessages) call something like a addProperties, which I pasted below too. There is a way to override something to customize the emptyExportMessage?
    public static native void initMessages(SmartGwtMessages messages)
    $wnd.isc.Canvas.addProperties({emptyExportMessage: messages.@com.smartgwt.client.i18n.SmartGwtMessages::dataBoundComponent_emptyExportMessage()()});