We are upgrading from version 5 to version 12 of smartgwt. We use the timeline to show events (activities), which connect exactly in time with a resolution of 1 second. In version 5, the events on the timeline stack neatly horizontally, in v12 with the same code, the events snap differently. This results in overlapping activities, with each only taking half of the bar. Please see the attached picture + code. The events do not overlap but due to snapping they are rendered as if they do. Can someone give a hint how to get them stacked horizontally as in v5?
We are upgrading from version 5 to version 12 of smartgwt. We use the timeline to show events (activities), which connect exactly in time with a resolution of 1 second. In version 5, the events on the timeline stack neatly horizontally, in v12 with the same code, the events snap differently. This results in overlapping activities, with each only taking half of the bar. Please see the attached picture + code. The events do not overlap but due to snapping they are rendered as if they do. Can someone give a hint how to get them stacked horizontally as in v5?