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    Different behavior on sgwt5 vs sgwt12

    I am working on a grid with few hundred rows and some complications like spanned rows, highlights, and some logic.

    Using the same exact code compiled against Sgwt 5 and 12 I obtain radically different results:

    On 5 once the backed returns the updated records, the front does some processing and refresh the grid just a few times, completing all the operations in matter of seconds.
    Here's the profiling of the operation:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sgt5Profiling.png
Views:	144
Size:	8.1 KB
ID:	259711
    While on 12 seems like the redraw is called one time for each updated row causing the operation to last tenths of seconds providing a terrible user experience.
    Here's the profiling (redraws in purple)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sgt12Profiling.png
Views:	109
Size:	14.1 KB
ID:	259712

    I cannot find a way to have the old performances with the new version of Sgwt, is there a flag I need to set to disable this aggressive redraw?
    This is clearly not a lot of information, and an answer is not expected out of this post, but I want to start a conversation on how to fix this problem and I can provide any additional info if helpful.

    There's some really basic information we need:

    1. how are you refreshing rows and/or the grid? refreshRow? updateCaches()? Something else?

    2. what is being redrawn? the grid body? whole grid? something else? You can turn on the "redraws" log category to see what's redrawing

    3. what is triggering the redraws? You can turn on "redrawTrace" to see stack traces for redraws, or use traceLogMessage() with pieces of specific redraw logs to see stack traces for just those


      The grid is refreshed after a saveAll() returns from the server.

      Attached logs from the console with redraw and redrawTrace logging enabled.

      I can dig deeper, and before that it would be greatly helpful if you could give me some direction on where.
      Attached Files


        Note the description of the redrawTrace log given in the Developer Console: you need to set it to DEBUG level to get stack traces. Those stack traces will then help you figure out what is triggering redraws.

        Note we're suggesting that *you* analyze the logs, not us. We don't have any of your code or access to your app - we have no idea what the component IDs in the log refer to, how the widgets are related, etc.


          The issue here seems to be a different behavior between the two versions.
          I compiled the same exact code against Sgwt5 and 12, logging the redraws and assessing that the same operation on the grid causes one single redraw in Sgwt5 and one for each row in Sgwt12.
          Looks like the issue is not in our application code but the grid eagerly redrawing in the newer version of the framework.
          Attached Files


            We've made some changes, ported back to SGWT/SC 12.0, to avoid excess redrawing when highlights get recalculated. This should be in the current nightly builds.

            If you're still seeing critical differences related to this, you should provide some sample code that reproduces the issue so we can take a deeper look.


              It works, thank you for the support

