I'm coming across a strange problem and I'm unsure if it's a bug, some failing of my own, or something that requires more cleverness to deal with. I'm trying to include a combobox inside of a listgrid, where the list grid starts empty and is added to by double clicking on the grid. This works fine except for when you're done editing the combobox and click enter, it shows the value instead of the display inside the list grid, though the combo box performs fine.
What is going on with the listgrid showing the value instead of display for comboboxes? Here's some example code:
What is going on with the listgrid showing the value instead of display for comboboxes? Here's some example code:
columns = new ListGrid(){{ setEditEvent(ListGridEditEvent.CLICK); setListEndEditAction(RowEndEditAction.NEXT); setCanEdit(true); setFields(new ListGridField("name", "Name"){{ setCanEdit(true); setEditorType(new ComboBoxItem(){{ setTextMatchStyle(TextMatchStyle.SUBSTRING); setAddUnknownValues(false); setValueMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(){{ put("valueThatShouldntBeSeen", "Should See Me"); }}); }}); }}); startEditingNew(); }};