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    "Evaluate Expression" Debugging Developer Console

    Recently upgraded from SmartGWT 6.0 to SmartGWT 12.0. Prior to the upgrade, we were client side debugging in Eclipse, where you could "Evaluate expression" when stopped on a breakpoint. With the upgrade to 12.0, we are now debugging in the Developer Console. However, I'm having trouble finding the equivalent of "Evaluate experssion" or "Inspect" in the Developer Console.

    For example, I would highlight a line of code like "If (changedValues.isEmpty)", click "evaluate expression"/"inspect" and it would show me "true" or "false".

    Is this possible in Developer Console?

    We are using Maven and Payara 4.0.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    In the Developer Console, Evaluate Expression evaluates a JavaScript expression, so it's not the same thing as what you're doing in Eclipse, instead it's a complementary tool. However to use it as a SmartGWT Developer, you would need to have some understanding of the underlying SmartClient library, which you can gain via the SmartClient documentation if you wish.

