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    Serverside logging of Tomcat ClientAbortException (

    Hi Isomorphic,

    we currently have the problem that our logs are getting cluttered with ERRORS of org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException (extends logged by you (v12.0p_2020-05-03).
    These exceptions aren't really bad things where we could or want to do something about (e.g. a user closed a browser window), but we can't ignore them because we can't target them explicitly in our log4j2 config.

    It looks like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	LogMessage.png
Views:	1507
Size:	60.6 KB
ID:	262690

    The message itself gets logged in BaseFilter.handleError(HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage, Throwable t).
    While I think it is correct that it gets logged the problem here is that to us all these messages look the same - they just say "BaseServlet Global Exception" with no mention of the root cause (" Connection reset by peer").
    So in our log4j config we can only ignore all CompressionFilter-logs completely (via log4j-RegexFilter) or have them all, as the message "BaseServlet Global Exception" is always the same.

    My question is now if you could either:
    • Don't log but rethrow the exception (most likely a big change you don't want to do)
    • Amend the text "BaseServlet Global Exception" with some text from the Throwable t - e.g. " Connection reset by peer" or whatever the exception message is.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	LogMessage2.png
Views:	1483
Size:	69.8 KB
ID:	262691

    Thank you & Best regards

    Our code (that you highlighted) is passing the underlying exception object to the log system and you're getting a full stack trace from it. Are you unable to configure your log system to do something based on this exception?

    If that's the case, what are you suggesting:

    1. redundantly log the exception message, even though it's already logged?

    2. log this kind of "ordinary" exception in a special category? Not really feasible - different servlet engines throw different classes

