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    Upgrade to 12.1p - SelectItem.setSeparateSpecialValues(true) graphical issues

    Graphical issues appear when SelectItem.setSeparateSpecialValues() is set on true. See attached images for false/true situations. Using SmartGWT nightly build v12.1p_2020-06-19. Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 16.19.25.png
Views:	402
Size:	10.8 KB
ID:	262862Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 16.21.23.png
Views:	371
Size:	10.9 KB
ID:	262863

    That looks like it's probably the "Enterprise" skin (make sure to mention this when posting), and the glitch is that the special values area, which is it's own grid, isn't rendering properly (too short, causing a scrollbar). However, we can't reproduce this, even switching the sample to Enterprise at "Compact" density, and even if using only one special value.

    This may be a skin customization, or perhaps it's due to using an older version of the skin.


      Yes, it is the Enterprise skin. This is all we inherit in the .xml config file:
      <inherits name='' />
          <inherits name="" />
          <inherits name="" />
          <inherits name="" />
          <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwtNoTheme" />
          <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterprise.Enterprise" />
      We have just one special value. We have no skin customization and we are not using the skins jar. First image is with smartgwt 5.0. Second image with latest 12.1.


        OK, as we explained, this cannot be reproduced with just the plain Enterprise skin. If you like, you can verify this by creating a separate test project with none of your application code, and just using the code from the sample. Then you can try to figure out the cause.

        Be sure to also look into whether it's only happening in one browser, or only for one developer (which might be due to a browser customization or plugin), or perhaps only when zoomed.

        Let us know if you can figure out how to reproduce this.


          Test case attached. It happens on latest Firefox, Mac OS X and regardless of zoom. For Chrome the same spacing appears but no scrollbar. For Safari no spacing and no scrollbar. Screenshot from left to right presents behavior for Firefox, Chrome and Safari respectively.
          Later edit: The issue is present also on Firefox on Windows.Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2020-06-23 at 12.04.06.png Views:	3 Size:	93.2 KB ID:	262893
          Attached Files
          Last edited by slick07; 23 Jun 2020, 04:00.


            We just tested your sample code, but we could not reproduce the issue. Tested on W10 and FF 77.0.1.

            Did you test it in a different computer?

            Isomorphic Software


              Yes, it was tested by me on a Mac OS X and by another developer on a W10, both on FF 77.0.1. I do not know it it matters but we are using GWT 2.8.1.


                Hi all,

                I tested out of interest as well. The sample's 1st item opens nicely in FF26, FF77.0.1 Chromium 81 in Win 10 for me, also in different density settings.

                Best regards


                  There is definitely something in your project if it's cross-browser and cross-machine for you, and yet nobody else can reproduce it. You say you have no "skin customizations" but you have probably added custom styles or used setDefaultProperties() calls to change framework defaults.


                    1. I am not using any kind of css. I do not even know what the method setDefaultProperties() does or where it could be called. The only piece of code is the that I already attached. If you want I can also provide the entire project structure which is composed of just 4 files:, TestCase.html, TestCase.gwt.xml and web.xml.

                    2. When you say "nobody else can reproduce it" to whom are you referring? User Blama for example did not test my provided test case, he just tested the Smart GWT showcase which is working just fine for me too. BUT not the test case I provided...


                      Ok, I took the source code from the Smart GWT showcase. Commented this line:
                      hashMap.put("-1", "Not Applicable");
                      And the same result as you can see in the image:
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 12.06.10.png
Views:	176
Size:	15.2 KB
ID:	262928
                      The items do not appear in the list because I do not know where to put the xml file to be loaded... but that is not important anyway.


                        Hi slick07,

                        I tried in the SmartClient 12.0p and 12.1p showcases, where you can edit the source, with removed
                        , "-1": "Not Applicable"
                        Did work for me nevertheless. Tested all densities in 12.1 FF26/77 and in 12.0p FF26.

                        Can you reproduce the error there as well by removing the 2nd option like you did in SmartGWT?

                        Best regards


                          Hi Blama,
                          The Smart Client works just fine even with one special value. The problem appears just in Smart GWT. I am using the same browser and the same OS for both tests.


                            Hi Slick07
                            To be clear: Are you saying that you're running the SmartGWT 12.1p lgpl showcase project (from the 06-19 build), editing that one line of the special values sample, running the project and then encountering the problem?
                            Or are you saying that you're copy/pasting the Java source from that showcase sample into another GWT project and testing there?

                            If it's the latter, can you try with the actual showcase project and see if you continue to see the issue?

                            The most likely thing from our perspective is that you've got some subtle difference in your project - some CSS being loaded by the HTML file, or via some GWT module include that we've somehow failed to take into account, or failing to have the HTML5 doctype declaration at the top, etc.

                            Isomorphic Software


                              I am copy/pasting the java code from the showcase sample. I shall try to run the showcase directly...

                              My test case project is created starting from the HelloWolrd project provided by you. I am attaching all the files to have a look at them in the meantime. Maybe you can spot something fishy...
                              Attached Files

