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    QUESTION: Built-in Grid Field State Restoration

    We are currently using version 12.1-p20200427.

    When using a grid with auto persist state turned on, a field which has been modified can not be set back to the default state without adding a button which calls clearSavedViewState() and redraw() to every screen which has a grid with this setting. Is it a possibility for you to add an item into the fields' context menu when this setting is enabled, which essentially restores the default field state after a user has modified its width/position/sorting?

    The Automatic Preferences showcase can be used to demonstrate our request. If a field's width is changed, it can not be properly restored through the grid and an external button has to be used to reset the field state.

    We would expect that most end users would just move the fields back to what would otherwise be the default size, and may not really grasp the distinction between doing that vs restoring the true default field state (which might eg make a field “*” size, hence different on different screens).

    But if you think your end users want this option and will understand it, you can add whatever you want to the ListGrid’s header context menu - see getHeaderContextMenuItems().

    If you add this, we’d be very curious what you name the menu option!

