needed to do some regression testing of the version we're running in prod, but realized we accidentally purged the smartgwt jars from our repo.
I tried running the maven plugin to re-download the version which we clearly did a couple of months back (since we have the version in our prod build), but it says that there is no build for that date?
For example 2020-08-01 works fine. Have you gotten more aggressive at deleting older builds or something?
needed to do some regression testing of the version we're running in prod, but realized we accidentally purged the smartgwt jars from our repo.
I tried running the maven plugin to re-download the version which we clearly did a couple of months back (since we have the version in our prod build), but it says that there is no build for that date?
There don't appear to be any files to work with at '/var/folders/z0/2dtr2qbx0yv36ww5xmy3sx040000gn/T/standalone-pom/SmartGWT/Pro/12.1p/2020-05-06'