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    ListGrid row misalignment


    I'm seeing some layout issues when using a ListGrid with frozen fields. If the frozen and unfrozen cells have different border heights, the rows become misaligned. Scrolling can sometimes snap them back into place, but it's inconsistent.

    I've attached a test case. The single line borders should always line up. But you can see the extra height from the double borders pushing things out of alignment.

    SmartGWT: SNAPSHOT_v13.0d_2020-11-17/LGPL Development Only (built 2020-11-17) (Also tested the nightly 12.1 build from 2020-11-14)
    Chrome: Version 86.0.4240.198 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Edge: 44.18362.449.0


    Click image for larger version

Name:	top of listgrid.png
Views:	232
Size:	20.9 KB
ID:	264103
    Click image for larger version

Name:	scrolled listgrid.png
Views:	98
Size:	32.1 KB
ID:	264104
    Attached Files

    HTML tables in general have glitches when the border and padding doesn't match up between cells, so the overall thickness is required to match within the same row or column. This means you can get around having to match borders by adding more padding if you want a thicker border.

    Also note that if you style cells such that they exceed the configured cellHeight, you have to either increase the cellHeight or enforceVClipping - see docs for those properties.

