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    Fly Onscreen window not hidden


    We are trying to implement the "Fly Onscreen" behaviour for our message console and it works in Firefox, however, we are having problems with Chrome and IE in compiled mode.

    We have a banner area along the top, a navigator area along the left, and a main area. We create a console window and set its parent to be the main area using "setParentElement(...);". To hide it, we set its top coordinate so that it is essentially hidden under the banner area (outside of the main area) using "setTop(-1 * CONSOLE_HEIGHT);". When we add messages to the console window, we animate its move into the main area using "animateMove(null, 0);" and then hide it again using "animateMove(null, -1 * CONSOLE_HEIGHT);". This is similar to the showcase "Fly Onscreen" example, except, our console slides in from the top instead of sliding in from the left.

    This works perfectly on Firefox in both development and compiled mode. However, with Chrome and IE in compiled mode, when the console window should be hidden, its actually visible overtop the banner area. This is where we expect it to be (based on negative top coordinate), however, we expected it to be hidden like on Firefox.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    IE 9.0.8112.16421 (Windows7)
    Chrome 25.0.1364.160 (MacOS)
    Firefox 19.0 (MacOS)
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v9.0d_2013-03-06