Hi Isomorphic,
I think I found a problem with DateItem. Please see the attached screenshot (I'd expect a text field for the selected date between the field-title and the datepicker-icon). I use the object as I did before (2 month ago, so I can't tell when the bug are introduced).
See this form code:
Client Java (look for gueltigvonDI and gueltigbisDI):
Could you please confirm if this is a bug?
Thank you & Best regards,
I think I found a problem with DateItem. Please see the attached screenshot (I'd expect a text field for the selected date between the field-title and the datepicker-icon). I use the object as I did before (2 month ago, so I can't tell when the bug are introduced).
See this form code:
Client Java (look for gueltigvonDI and gueltigbisDI):
package com.lmscompany.lms.client.menu.list; import com.lmscompany.lms.client.User; import com.lmscompany.lms.client.menu.navigation.MainArea; import com.lmscompany.lms.client.type.DatasourceEnum; import com.lmscompany.lms.client.type.CompanyListType; import com.lmscompany.lms.client.util.Helper; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DSCallback; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DSRequest; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DSResponse; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DataSource; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.IButton; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickEvent; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickHandler; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.DynamicForm; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.events.SubmitValuesEvent; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.events.SubmitValuesHandler; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.DateItem; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.TextItem; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.HLayout; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.VLayout; public class CompanyUserList extends VLayout { final private DataSource userDS = DataSource.get(DatasourceEnum.T_USER .getValue()); final private UserList boundList; private DynamicForm newForm; public CompanyUserList(final MainArea mainArea) { super(5); boundList = new UserList(mainArea, CompanyListType.COMPANY, null); addMember(boundList); HLayout newEntryLayout = new HLayout() { { setHeight(30); newForm = new DynamicForm() { @Override public void saveData() { super.saveData(new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { if (Helper.oneRow(response)) { newForm.clearValues(); int newUserID = response .getDataAsRecordList() .first() .getAttributeAsInt( newForm.getDataSource() .getPrimaryKeyFieldName()); // UserList.openPersonDetailTab(newUserID, // mainArea, // CompanyListType.COMPANY); } } }); } { setWidth100(); setDataSource(userDS); setNumCols(6); setMembersMargin(5); setIsGroup(true); setGroupTitle("Basisdaten des neuen Benutzers (Details können im folgenden Schritt gepflegt werden)"); setSaveOnEnter(true); setCanSubmit(false); addSubmitValuesHandler(new SubmitValuesHandler() { public void onSubmitValues( final SubmitValuesEvent submitValuesEvent) { saveData(); } }); final TextItem anredeTI = new TextItem("ANREDE"); final TextItem vornameTI = new TextItem("GIVENNAME"); final TextItem nachnameTI = new TextItem("SURNAME"); final DateItem gueltigvonDI = new DateItem("GUELTIGVON"); final DateItem gueltigbisDI = new DateItem("GUELTIGBIS"); final TextItem emailTI = new TextItem("EMAIL"); setValue("BELONGSTO_COMPANY_ID", User.getParentID()); setFields(gueltigvonDI, gueltigbisDI, emailTI, anredeTI, vornameTI, nachnameTI); }; }; final IButton newBtn = new IButton("Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { newForm.saveData(); }; }) { { setWidth(200); // Button } }; addMember(newBtn); addMember(newForm); } }; addMember(newEntryLayout); } }
<field name="GUELTIGVON" title="Login gueltig von" type="date" required="true"></field> <field name="GUELTIGBIS" title="Login gueltig bis" type="date"></field>
Thank you & Best regards,