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    Extending DataSourceField.ds.xml


    I was wondering if there is a better/safer way to override 'DataSourceField.ds.xml' (sc/system/schema) than what we are doing now: putting it in our public folder and overwriting the whole thing (making us vulnerable for changes at your end) .

    I noticed that you can inherit from other schema's, but that would mean that we have our own type (and corresponding ID value declared on top). What I am missing is the way to make SGWT look at that schema for its DataSourceField parsing instead of the standard one?

    We are overriding the schema to have correct data typing applied on some custom fields we slap onto it in our datasource generator.

    thanks for your thoughts

    We agree it's not optimal, but yes, this is currently the only way you could get automatic type conversion for such fields.

    Note that you can always specify xsi:type inline everywhere you use the custom property (as explained under Component XML) but of course it's more convenient to modify the system schema as you've done, so that this is not necessary.

