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    SorterButton height

    I've noticed something strange with SorterButton on ListGrid.
    Stratus has CSS styling on ListGrid and have 1px border on bottom of headerButton/sorterButton.

    Take a look at this two screenshots that were taken on:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-01-21_22-08.png
Views:	118
Size:	3.2 KB
ID:	264486

    Initially line below sorterButton and headerButton aligns correctly.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-01-21_22-08_1.png
Views:	38
Size:	3.8 KB
ID:	264487

    When enabling sorting and sorterButton is redrawn it 1px higher. In fact it's larger exactly by this border bottom width.
    On Tahoe skin there is no this effect because it has no border.

    I've also seen similar problem with right border on headerButton. It appears ok but when headerMenuButton is used all borders disappear.
    In this case width is affected and after headerMenuButton is shown/hidden all headerButtons are wider for exactly border width so it disappears.

    Tested on online version and locally on latest nightly:
    12.1p 2021-01-20

    Is it some kind of hidden bug?
    Best regards