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    how to set alignment for splitpane detailtoolstrip?

    Playing around with the detailtoolstrip for a splitpane. Have done this:

    setDetailToolButtons(new DefaultStripItem("Edit", null, false), new DefaultStripItem("Cancel", null, false), new DefaultStripItem("Banana", null, false));
    They are right aligned, seemingly no matter what i do. If there's a way to specify in css/js i can't find it, and if i call

    In the constructor for the splitpane.
    I get "cannot access detailtoolstrip before the widget has been created". I'm apparently not great at this, is there an easy way to sort out the alignment?

    As far as the correct way to set properties, use the AutoChild system - it has extensive docs on this.

    As far as "aligning" the buttons left, you can't align it because the space is completely filled. The DetailToolStrip has multiple members, including a label, and buttons on both sides.

    It also doesn't really make sense to align the tool buttons left because that's where the back navigation is on mobile.

    So perhaps re-think the design?

    It's always possible to suppress the default toolstrip and create your own, as a part of the detail pane.


      Yeah, youre right about the alignment and back button! I was just playing around with it in desktop mode, but it will be problem in mobile. thanks. We are probably going to roll our own as you suggested.

      Thanks as always for great feedback.

