13.0d pro 2020-02-06
Please consider the following code:
1. If i only create the label and then call setcontents a bunch of times, it works.
2. if i only call setstylename but not seticon i can then setcontents.
3. If i only call setIcon but not setstylename i can then also setcontents.
4. HOWEVER, if i call seticon and setstylename as above, subsequent calls to setcontents are ignored.
Not sure if this is expected. Cheers
Please consider the following code:
Label titleText = new Label("Banana"); titleText.setStyleName("formHeader"); titleText.setIcon(NFC_IMAGE); --- titleText.setContents("Apple");
2. if i only call setstylename but not seticon i can then setcontents.
3. If i only call setIcon but not setstylename i can then also setcontents.
4. HOWEVER, if i call seticon and setstylename as above, subsequent calls to setcontents are ignored.
Not sure if this is expected. Cheers