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    Sizing warnings

    Good afternoon Isomorphic

    We have been having some warnings come across us that we can't figure out. We were previously on a build from last summer, and recently installed a new build and the errors in the screenshot provided have started appearing. They appear on all of our screens that use any of those components. We were wondering if those errors are concerning or just something we should adjust the logging level for and can ignore.

    Version: v12.1p_2021-06-05/Pro Deployment

    Thank you,
    Christian DeSilva
    Attached Files

    These messages are telling you that your layout settings are resulting in invalid sizes. This would happen if, for example, you had a layout that was allocated 100px, but it contains one fixed-sized item of 100px and one “*” sized item: the “*” size item ends up with a size of 0, which is invalid, so it’s changed to 1.

    If the components mentioned in these warning ultimately end up visible with a reasonable size, then the problem is just a performance problem: the way you are constructing your layouts, things draw at an invalid size and later resize to be valid.

